The Hunt (A Novel)

Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


A Prologue...of sorts

A teaser (originally brought to you by the Associated Press, re-edited for my purposes). Assuming I can negotiate with the AP (yes, this is an actual report), this will be the opening to my novel.

July 17, 2004
Gov't Seeks End to Gray Wolf Protection

By STEVE KARNOWSKI, Associated Press Writer

FOREST LAKE, Minn. - Declaring it's time to celebrate the dramatic comeback of the gray wolf, Interior Secretary Gale Norton said Friday the predator should be removed from federal protection from Maine to the Dakotas.

"The recovery of wolf populations in the Rockies and the Great Lakes area has been one of the most notable success stories of the Endangered Species Act," Norton said at the Wildlife Science Center

The gray wolf has bounced back from the brink of extinction in the lower 48 states over the past 30 years under federal protection. Their numbers have grown from as few as 350, all in northeastern Minnesota, to almost 4,000 spread across several states.

The National Wildlife Federation criticized the plan as shortsighted because it means the federal government won't be involved in any efforts to reintroduce the wolf in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York, which the group says have suitable habitat. Norton said any reintroduction there would be up to the states themselves.

As the ceremony drew to a close, one wolf started to howl, joined soon by others across the center. They were loud enough to drown out Walter Medwid, executive director of the International Wolf Center.

"Wolves have survived in spite of centuries of relentless persecution by humans," Medwid said. "But unlike the bald eagle or the peregrine falcon, the wolf, being the wolf, will continue to challenge our commitment in keeping it a part of America's landscape.”
[Cue Ominous Music…]


It Begins...

...or it will, in five days. Introducing The Transplanted Texan's entry for the National Novel Writing Month competition.

Working Title: "The Hunt"

Plot summary: "When Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding area becomes plagued with violent wolf pack behavior, scientists and park rangers are at a loss. It is not typical, and worse, the attacks seem to be increasing exponentially in both frequency and ferocity. What is happening? And can it be stopped?"
I admit to cheating a little bit. This idea has been playing in my head for several months now (nearly a year), and I've developed it into a three-book series...the trouble is, I can't ever seem to sit down and write it all out, so I figure NaNoWriMo is a great excuse to finally get to it, and NaNoBlogMo is a great way to keep myself on track. You can view my NaNoWriMo profile here.

I don't know that I'll be posting extensive clips from what I write (though I'll certainly post some), but I'll definitely be soliciting input on various questions that I come up with.

Here goes...